(Pete & the other Rich)
Richard Heselton lead Pete and I through a very hard plyometrics workout tailored to kumite. Afterwards, I was completely exhausted. I've been working out more everyday to get ready for the Wadokai Kanto Taikai (master's kata and kumite) and the Nihon Sport's Masters All-Japan qualifiers for the Tokyo Team (men’s group one kumite).
Some things the workout included were 練習の内容;
flat ladder step work, with and without bands
Spiderman push-ups スパイダーマン腕立て
inverted wall climbing 壁腕立て
10kg rebound medicine ball 10kgメディシン・バール投げ
explosive jumps followed with heavy bag hits
kumite drills with bands バンドを使った組手練習
and much more. などなど…