A few months back I taught a business coaching seminar to Japanese university students going on a 5-week work internship to California. They are participating in the Intrax Entrepreneur Program (English link, Japanese link).
We covered North American business culture, office systems, and intern responsibilities as well as how to communicate effectively, especially for selling.
The students were great, very international minded as I heard comments about having one having traveled to Bangladesh, several others interested in micro-finance for development and many believing they have ideas to help make the world better.
I'm looking forward to hearing how their internships went!
数月前にIntrax 海外インターンシップのオリエンターションで僕が日本人の大学生にビジネスコーチを指導しました。インターンシップは5週間カリフォニアで行いました。
僕は皆の 海外インターンシップをどうだったか聞きたいですね!