The semi-finalists were;
Men: Kyoto vs Kanagawa, with Kyoto winning 3-1.
Okayama vs Osaka, with Okayama winning 3-1.
Women; Tokyo vs Kanagawa, with Tokyo winning 2-1.
Kyoto vs Osaka, with Kyoto winning 2-1 in overtime.
Therefore tomorrow at the Nippon Budokan for the finals it will be for the men Kyoto vs Kanagawa, and for the women Tokyo vs Kyoto.
At today's event there were different levels of athletes. But there were no clear announcements or good signage as to how the tournament was progressing. Lots of people went to watch. I ended up finding a seat with a group of elementary school age Goju students from Shizuoka whose several parents had driven them to the event simply to watch and study.
今日の大会では、いろいろなレベルの選手がいました。 大会の進行状況をはっきり示す放送や表示などがなかったのは残念でした。多くの人が観戦に来ていました。 僕が見つけた席は静岡県から来た剛柔流の小学生グループの隣で、観戦し勉強するだけのために静岡から子供を連れてきていた保護者の方もたくさんいました。