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Japan Experience 2010 starts! ジャパン・エキスピリエンス2010スタート!

The 4th annual Japan Experience Cultural Home Stay started last Friday. This is a program I created with Seiritsu to introduce non-Japanese to Japan. Every morning the students do several cultural activities which over the course of the program include Japanese calligraphy, manga drawing, tea ceremony, Japanese language, cooking, kendo, karate, 'difficult origami', etc.
In the afternoon we do trips around Tokyo, like go to Akihabara, Studio Ghibli, Harajuku, Edo-Tokyo Museum and Shibuya.

Click here for the official Seiritsu International daily report page!


On the train with the students.

At Chiba Prefecture's Boso No Mura Cultural museum.

At the Kirinoya Ryokan where we stayed with the students.