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Rice-planting! 田植え!

As part of the school's Earth Project, I helped the junior high school students plant rice last weekend. This was my first time to sink into rice paddy mud to plant the national food. I think for most of the students it was their first time too - it was obvious when many screamed 'Gross!' when they stepped in.


Having watched various old Japanese movies, I had this image that we would all sing rice-planting folk songs, but no one does this anymore I was told.

So I made up my own.

''I've been working on the rice-paddy, all the live long daaayyy...''



''I've been working on the rice-paddy, all the live long daaayyy...''
(オリジナルはI've been working on the railroad, all the live long day. アメリカ民謡です。)
♪アーヴィンワーキンオンナレーイロー、オーダ リヴロンデーーーーー
♪でーん  しゃは はし るーーよー、どーこ まーでーもーーーーー

Thanks to the student's families who also helped.


Lots of frogs, tadpoles, water striders and one student said they saw a small fish.

So, what's the karate connection? I was wearing a Japan High School National's t-shirt, and the boys beside me are in the junior high school club!
