One of my best friends, Alex Franchi from Montreal, Canada, won best first Canadian feature at the Toronto Film Festival last year for his debut feature film, The Wild Hunt.
カナダのモントリオールに住むアレックス・フランチは僕の親友の一人なのですが、昨年、彼のデビュー映画ザ・ワイルド・ハント(The Wild Hunt)がトロント国際映画祭のCANADA FIRST!部門で最優秀賞を受賞しました。
Critics have called Alex a genius, and that he deserves mainstream cred - Variety review!
There is a karate connection between us, as we met at the Vancouver Film School in 1998 and Alex joined my karate - Kenzen Karate Vancouver - for one year, earning up to an orange belt.
I can't wait to see his movie!